Sunday, June 18, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
A recent Barna study asked Christian men to choose between a range of words to describe the current state of masculinity. Consistently, Christian men chose the negative options. To them, masculinity felt:
Threatened rather than hopeful (44% vs. 31%)
Endangered rather than thriving (39% vs. 28%)
Confused rather than vibrant (47% vs. 26%)
In crisis rather than stable (40% vs. 30%)
With Father’s Day just around the corner, we think men deserve something better. We need men engaged as fathers, husbands, and church members. God wants men to be clear about who he’s calling them to be,
On Father's Day we will have a special study and a movie that night for dads and the family. To give direction, encouragement and renewal. Don’t worry, this study isn’t just for men. We’re in this together and we serve one another best when we’re all willing to understand and help.