Navigating Life From The Cross

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Overcoming Sin: Practical Steps for Lasting Change (Part 1)

Pastor Scott Thom discusses the challenge of overcoming sin, drawing from biblical teachings and personal experience. He explains how to deal with sinful habits, emphasizing the importance of genuine repentance, maintaining a strong relationship with God, and taking proactive steps to avoid temptation. Pastor Scott also shares strategies for transforming the mind through scripture, avoiding harmful influences, and fostering a deeper love for God to overcome sin. The video is part one of a two-part series, aiming to provide practical insights for spiritual growth and victory over sin.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some common struggles we face when trying to overcome sin, and how does Romans 7 relate to this?
  2. How can we distinguish between genuine repentance and regret over consequences?
  3. In what ways can we proactively cut off access to temptation in our lives?
  4. How can changing our mindset help us resist sin, according to Romans 6:11?
  5. What role does loving God play in overcoming sinful habits?

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for the strength to genuinely repent and turn away from sin, seeking a closer relationship with God.
  2. Ask for wisdom in recognizing and avoiding situations that lead to temptation.
  3. Pray for a transformed mind, filled with the word of God, to combat negative thoughts and sinful desires.
  4. Pray for a deeper love for God that constrains you to avoid sin and live in alignment with His will.
  5. Ask God for guidance in making practical decisions that honor Him and help you grow in righteousness.

Action Steps:

  1. Identify areas of temptation in your life and take intentional steps to remove or avoid them.
  2. Spend time in prayer, asking God for the strength to genuinely repent and make changes in your life.
  3. Commit to reading and memorizing scriptures that combat areas of weakness or sin.
  4. Take an honest inventory of relationships or environments that encourage sinful behavior and make adjustments accordingly.
  5. Cultivate a habit of seeking God’s presence daily through prayer and scripture to grow in your love for Him.
Posted by Scott Thom with

One of Jesus’ Most Controversial Statements

In this video, Pastor Scott Thom discusses the controversial claim made by Jesus that He is God. He explores key scriptures, including John 10:30 and Mark 2, to show how Jesus’ words and actions demonstrated His divinity. Pastor Scott emphasizes that Jesus not only made the claim but provided undeniable evidence through miracles, such as forgiving sins and healing the paralytic, as well as His own resurrection from the dead. The video encourages viewers to consider the overwhelming evidence of Jesus' divine nature and the promise of eternal life for those who believe in Him.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does Jesus’ statement "I and the Father are one" in John 10:30 challenge our understanding of His divinity?
  2. Why was it considered blasphemy for Jesus to forgive the sins of the paralytic, and how does this point to His identity as God?
  3. What role did the resurrection play in confirming Jesus' claims about Himself?
  4. How does the testimony of over 500 witnesses, including skeptics like Thomas, strengthen the case for Jesus’ resurrection?
  5. What personal changes or actions can we take to fully trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior?

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