Navigating Life From The Cross

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The best keys to discerning God’s will for your life.

 In this video, Pastor Scott Thom explores how believers can discern God’s will in their lives. He emphasizes the importance of seeking God through prayer, understanding His Word, and being sensitive to the Holy Spirit's guidance. Thom discusses practical steps such as evaluating circumstances, seeking counsel from mature Christians, and aligning decisions with biblical principles. The goal is to help viewers develop a clear understanding of God’s direction and purpose for their lives.

 Discussion Questions:

  1. How have you sought to discern God’s will in your own life?
  2. How can prayer and reading Scripture help in making decisions?
  3. What role does the advice of others play in understanding God’s direction for us?
  4. How can we differentiate between our desires and God’s will?

 Prayer Points:

  1. Guidance: Pray for clarity and wisdom in understanding God’s will for your life.
  2. Discernment: Ask the Holy Spirit for help in discerning the right path and making decisions that are in accordance with God’s Word.
  3. Submission: Pray for the humility to follow God’s leading, even when it’s challenging or different from your own plans.
  4. Counsel: Seek God’s blessing on those who provide spiritual advice and counsel, asking that they speak His truth into your life.

 Action Steps:

  1. Daily Prayer: Commit to a daily prayer time, asking for guidance in specific areas where you seek God’s will.
  2. Scripture Reading: Develop a habit of reading and meditating on Scripture to understand better biblical principles that guide decision-making.
  3. Seek Counsel: Discuss your decisions with a trusted Christian mentor or pastor and seek their insights.
  4. Reflect and Evaluate: Regularly evaluate your decisions and how they align with God’s Word and guidance.

 Keywords for You:

  • Discerning God’s Will
  • Understanding God’s Direction
  • Christian Decision Making
  • Seeking God’s Guidance
  • Prayer for Wisdom
  • Biblical Principles for Decisions
  • Holy Spirit Guidance
  • Pastor Scott Thom
  • Christian Life Guidance
  • Spiritual Discernment
Posted by Scott Thom with

Unlocking a Great Life: With Christ, Master Your Emotions for Lasting Happiness

In the video "Unlocking a Great Life: With Christ, Master Your Emotions for Lasting Happiness," Pastor Scott Thom discusses how true joy and thankfulness come not from changing external circumstances but from transforming one's attitude and emotions. By examining key scriptures, Thom emphasizes aligning one’s thoughts and emotions with biblical teachings to create a positive "emotional home." He explains that while pain and trials are inevitable, one can control how one responds to these challenges by renewing one's mind through God's word and focusing on a

Discussion Questions

  1. What specific emotions or attitudes from your past have become your default "emotional home"?
  2. How can you use scriptural teachings to transform a negative emotional pattern in your life?
  3. What practical steps can you take to align your thoughts and emotions with God's word?

 Prayer Points

  1. Pray for guidance in identifying and overcoming negative emotional patterns that hinder your growth.
  2. Ask God for strength and wisdom to renew your mind and emotions in accordance with His teachings.
  3. Seek God's help to maintain a positive and godly mindset despite life's challenges.


Keywords for You.

Emotional Transformation

Biblical Mindset

Master Your Emotions

Christian Joy and Thankfulness

Scriptural Guidance for Happiness

Renewing the Mind

Positive Emotional State

Pastor Scott Thom

Posted by Scott Thom with
