Navigating Life From The Cross

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Go And Tell Motivational Song with Lyrics

Go and tell the world today
Spread the word light up the way
In His name we find our call
Shine the truth to one and all

Go therefore go and make
Followers from every state
In the name of Father Son
Holy Spirit three in one

[Verse 2]
Baptize in the holy stream
Wake the world from every dream
Show the love be strong and true
In God's name all things renew

Go therefore go and make
Followers from every state
In the name of Father Son
Holy Spirit three in one

Teach them all His holy ways
Shower love through all your days
In His grace we boldly stand
Spread His word across the land

Go therefore go and make
Followers from every state
In the name of Father Son
Holy Spirit three in one

Posted by Scott Thom with

Everlasting Life In The Beauty Of His Creation- Song with Lyrics


Everlasting Life In The Beauty Of His Creation

A song to lift your heart.

For God so loved the world
He gave His only Son
Whoever believes in Him
Life's just begun

[Verse 2]
No more sorrow no more pain
Hope in Jesus' name
He gave us this promise true
Everlasting life for you

For God so loved the world
He gave His only Son
Whoever believes in Him
Everlasting life begun

[Verse 3]
Feel the Spirit move today
In our hearts we pray
His love shining bright and clear
Bringing joy to wash away fear

For God so loved the world
He gave His only Son
Whoever believes in Him
Everlasting life begun

He took our place on that hill
Sacrificed His will
Now we're free to live again
Forever with Him

Posted by Scott Thom with
