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Evil Proves God's Existence - 4 Answers To How God Could Have Created

4 Answers To How God Could Have Created

In his video, Pastor Scott Thom addresses the problem of evil in relation to God's nature and creation. He explores four scenarios for why God created the world and discusses the necessity of free will for genuine love and meaningful relationships. Thom argues that while evil and sin exist, they serve to develop virtues and deepen our relationship with God. Christianity’s focus is on inner transformation rather than external rule-following, aiming for a profound, eternal relationship with God.

Discussion Questions
According to Pastor Thom, why is free will essential for true love and relationships?
How do the four creation scenarios help us understand the problem of evil?
In what ways can personal struggles with sin lead to spiritual growth and character development?
How does Christianity’s approach to personal transformation differ from merely adhering to external rules?

Prayer Points
For Understanding: Pray for clarity in understanding how free will and the existence of evil fit into God’s plan for creation.
For Growth: Ask for strength and wisdom to grow through personal struggles and to develop virtues like patience and courage.
For Transformation: Seek God’s help in transforming your character from the inside out, reflecting His love and righteousness.
For Relationships: Pray for deeper, more meaningful relationships with God and others, grounded in genuine love and sacrifice.

Key Words for You
Problem of Evil
Free Will
God's Nature
Christian Transformation
Pastor Scott Thom
Inner Growth
Genuine Love
Spiritual Virtues
Creation Scenarios

Posted by Scott Thom with