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I Learned This Essential Life Skill To Achieve My Goals

In the video, Pastor Scott Thom emphasizes that teachability is an essential life skill for achieving personal and professional goals. He highlights biblical teachings on the importance of being open to learning and addresses common barriers to teachability, such as pride, irresponsibility, narcissism, sensitivity to criticism, and laziness. By sharing personal experiences and insights, he encourages viewers to actively pursue learning opportunities to unlock their potential and align with God's purpose for their lives.

 Discussion Questions

  1. What does teachability mean to you, and why is it important?
  2. Can you identify specific barriers to your teachability? How can you address them?
  3. Share an experience where being teachable led to personal or professional growth.
  4. How can we create an environment encouraging teachability in our relationships and communities?
  5. In what ways can you actively pursue learning in your daily life?


Prayer Points

  • Pray for a heart that is open to learning and growth.
  • Ask for strength to overcome barriers such as pride and laziness.
  • Seek guidance in identifying mentors or resources that can help you grow.
  • Pray for a teachable spirit in your relationships, encouraging others to embrace learning.
  • Ask for God's wisdom in applying what you learn to fulfill His purpose in your life.


Action Steps

  1. Identify one area in your life where you want to become more teachable and set a specific goal for improvement.
  2. Seek out a mentor or a learning opportunity (like a class, workshop, or podcast) related to that area.
  3. Regularly reflect on your experiences and what you’ve learned, keeping a journal to track your growth.
  4. Discuss with friends or family what you’re learning and how it applies to your life.
  5. Commit to asking at least one weekly question to foster a learning mindset.


Keywords for You

  • Teachability
  • Personal growth
  • Life skills
  • Achieving goals
  • Christian teachings
  • Biblical wisdom
  • Overcoming pride
  • Learning Mindset
  • Mentorship
  • Pastor Scott Thom
Posted by Scott Thom with